===== Usage ===== To use Geohash in a project:: import geohash * Encode:: # Get geohash given latitude and longitude. Precision is optional. geohash.geohash_encode(latitude=48.856614, longitude=2.352222, precision=6) >> u09tvw Takes in latitude and longitude with a desired precision and returns the correct hash value. If precision < 0 or precision > 20, a default value of 6 will be used. * Decode:: # Get latitude, longitude and information about bounding box too! korea = geohash.geohash_decode(hash_code="wy7b1h") korea.latitude korea.longitude korea.north, korea.east, korea.south, korea.west korea.dimension.height, korea.dimension.width Returns GeoCoord structure which contains the latitude and longitude that was decoded from the geohash. A GeoCoord also provides the bounding box for the geohash.